AltaSea: Investing in the Blue Economy in Los Angeles
In the same way Silicon Valley invested in the information economy 50 years ago, AltaSea is investing in the Blue...
Aug 29, 2022
We are guided by a simple aspiration: benefit to all, harm to none. This means investing in and serving our local communities, contributing to environmental sustainability, offering inclusive, fair, and equitable more products, and nurturing our team. In the Better Banking Blog, we explore what a Beneficial Banking™ system looks like and how it can serve all of us.
In the same way Silicon Valley invested in the information economy 50 years ago, AltaSea is investing in the Blue...
Aug 29, 2022
We are proud to finance clean energy systems and consciously avoid extractive and dirty energy sources like coal,...
Aug 16, 2022
A1 DesignBuild is equally owned and democratically governed by the people who work there.
Aug 15, 2022
Insight Design & Print produces high-quality work affordably, helping their clients convey clear and professional...
Aug 08, 2022
Q Center provides safe spaces, community building, and empowerment for the LGBTQ2SIA+ communities and allies.
Aug 05, 2022
Equality California works to elect pro-equality leaders, pass pro-equality legislation, and advance civil rights...
Aug 04, 2022
Street Roots is a nonprofit media organization intertwined with the lives of people experiencing homelessness and...
Aug 04, 2022
We operate with purpose. Our products and services are designed to optimize social and environmental impact first.
Aug 02, 2022
We're celebrating the Black-owned businesses and organizations that make our communities great places to live and...
Aug 01, 2022
Beneficial State Bank serves the triple-bottom-line of people, planet, and prosperity for all. That means prioritizing social justice and environmental sustainability. Our clients want to see their money put to good use – funding causes that defend our planet and build resiliency in our communities. Change your bank and help change the world.