Our Just Future - Affordable Housing and Supportive Services in East Portland
Jul 27, 2022
Our Just Future is an affordable housing development and social services organization building vibrant, healthy neighborhoods.
As a bank, we want to contribute to a just economic system and a future in which everyone in our communities has access to income and good jobs, leisure time, and financial security. Our clients do incredible work, and we are proud to support them as they create economic opportunity, provide job training, promote small businesses, and more. We encourage you to learn about their work and impact.
Jul 27, 2022
Our Just Future is an affordable housing development and social services organization building vibrant, healthy neighborhoods.
Jul 26, 2022
Neighbor2Neighbor (N2N) was founded in 2005 to help neighbors find companies that are honest, fair, and generous.
Mar 08, 2022
Overflow was founded to help build agile, adaptive businesses that can meet their community and environmental commitments.
Beneficial State Bank serves the triple-bottom-line of people, planet, and prosperity for all. That means prioritizing social justice and environmental sustainability. Our clients want to see their money put to good use – funding causes that defend our planet and build resiliency in our communities. Change your bank and help change the world.
Feb 15, 2022
Lynisha Senegal has experienced first-hand the struggle of barely making ends meet.
Nov 24, 2021
The Center in Hollywood takes a holistic approach to support unhoused residents through radical hospitality.
Nov 17, 2021
For this Latino community development corporation, providing affordable housing is just the start.
Oct 28, 2021
Opticos Design and its bank, Beneficial State, are certified B Corps, dedicated to helping communities and the planet.
Oct 28, 2021
Building volunteer organizations to pursue social justice through grassroots civic engagement and community organizing.
Sep 15, 2021
Providing electric, micro-transit transportation to fill service gaps in areas where public transit is not accessible.